Louisa May Alcott

Louisa May Alcott
An American writer

Friday, February 17, 2012

It's off!

After way more time than originally planned editing the ms, it's finally headed back to the editor.  It started at 103,000 words and ended up at 76,000 words, so much red ink was spilled. 

I miss the characters already.  Am I mad?  I guess when you've watched them do everything--and I mean EVERYTHING--it can be hard to let go. 

I worry about the book:  will it sell; will readers like the setting of southern Spain, which I consider very romantic but is considered an 'unusual' setting; will I be able to re-focus on the current book without too much difficulty. . . .

But for now, I'm going to celebrate the fact that my 'baby' is as good as I can make it right now and hope and pray that the editor will like the revisions.  

What do you do to distract yourself while waiting for an editor's reply?


Carol Dunford said...

Oh--and I forgot to mention--let's start passing around the virtual chocolate. I'll have a piece of dark chocolate with a caramel center, please.

Laurie Ryan said...

I've read some stories set in what the business seems to call "exotic locales". I've loved them. And I know what you mean about how it feels to put one of your babies to bed. Congratulations, though, on sending this off! I can hardly wait to hear more about the story.

Lavada Dee said...

Carol, Congratulations. I had much the same experience with my first book. They wanted a scene change, I made it and sent it back and it was accepted. But sending it out was really hard, the first time and second time.

So what do you do while you're waiting for a reply. YOU WRITE THE NEXT ONE!!!!

Carol Dunford said...

Thanks, Laurie and Lavada. I plan to get busy on the mip to keep my mind off Valentina (hopefully). I've got to go back and read it again, though, because I've now forgotten where I was headed with it!

Gail Dutton said...

Congratulations! Let us know when it's out, as I'm optimistic of a brilliant outcome for you. And yes, I consider Spain romantic -- there's something about the sunshine and undulating hills (at least, there are hills north of Madrid!) that draw me in every time.

Anonymous said...

Spain! I can feel the heat and taste the Sangria already. I love the British Isles, but yeesh, let's go somewhere else, editors.

Laura Conn

Janette Harjo said...

Hey! Congratulations on getting your baby off! I know you've worked long and hard on this and I wish you all the Good Fortune with it that I know you truly deserve!

I distract myself while waiting by working on something else. Besides,we all know that I'm easily distracted! LOL!

Chocolate? Did you say there's chocolate being offered here? I'm always up for chocolate!


Carol Dunford said...

Thanks, Gail and Laura! And Janette, all you have to do is tell me what kind of chocolate you want and I'll make sure my cabana boy here serves it up for you.