Louisa May Alcott

Louisa May Alcott
An American writer

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The problem with problems

I'm still storyboarding, and still discovering problems with the book.  Who'd a thunk, eh?

This is the heroine's book, yet I'm finding that the POV is tilted toward the hero.  There are also more sequels than I would like in a book that's supposedly pretty action-oriented (it involves bullfighting, after all).   And the problem with all of these is, well, the day job. 

How does one balance a need to spend hours on the ms to fix all this, when one must work and pay the mortgage?  Add to that the fact that it's finally decided to be nice, weather-wise, here in the Pacific NW, and I'm not motivated in the least to work on this thing. 

So, gentle readers, I need your motivation tips to get my butt inside, out of the garden, and working on the ms.  But only after I eat a few of these green beans. . . .

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